According to prosecutors, Burtseva continued to write for Russian media after the EU ban and wrote a book titled ‘Hybrid War for Peace,’ under the pseudonym L.B. Svet.
“The content of the book belittles the Republic of Estonia and is thus aimed at dividing Estonian society and discrediting the Republic of Estonia and its institutions,”
Jeg tror vi alle godt ved, hvad folk, som føler et udtalt behov for at råbe og skrige fra hvert et hustag, hvilke fantastiske demokrater de er - hvad de folk helt selvindlysende ikke er...
EU er en svinesti, hvor små smålige små-tyraner dypper trynen i deres egen afføring og dufter roser. Kvaje Kallas fra det xenofobiske og dybt paranoide lille lorteland, Estland, befinder sig naturligvis som blommen i et æg i femi-naziernes højborg anlagt på parfumeret gylle.
Forsøger TV2 som vanligt at vildlede den danske offentlighed, og stiller som begrundelse, hvad der kun kan betegnes som ondskabsfuld løgnagtighed:
Katjusja er et russisk raketsystem.
Det er alt hvad TV2 mener de bør gøre for at retfærdiggøre deres skændige overskrift.
Og for enhver, der ved hvor mange lande, der producerer de raketter, som blev udviklet af Sovjet-Unionen under anden verdenskrig og lige siden er blevet kopieret af Gud og hver mand, så er den udtalelse fuldstændigt go'da' mand økseskaft - og demonstrerer til perfektion, at danske journalister overhovedet ikke mener, at de behøver at beskæftige sig med virkeligheden: det er de simpelthen for gode til...
Delusion is fundamental to all human conception: a finite brain cannot possibly comprehend a - to all intents and purposes - infinite universe. Thus, science is delusional; and (as with all human delusion) woefully deficient in humility...
Lad os derfor notere alle de meget uheldige fakta som DR ikke kan nævne, fordi de er ubetinget viet til den store krigsløgn, som det imperialistiske, neo-kolonialistiske og EU liderlige DR så ømt har omfavnet:
In February 2010, on International Mother Language Day, Farion was filmed telling kindergartners to avoid using Russian names.[13][14] In one instance, she tells them to "go where the Mashas live" if they wanted to be called Masha; a video of the incident was aired on Russian state television and was widely criticized.[15][16] The incident was also widely discussed and criticized in the Ukrainian media.[17] One deputy from the Party of Regions asked the Prosecutor General of Ukraine to file a criminal case against her on the grounds of language-based and nationality-based discrimination.[7]
Official parliamentary photograph of Farion in 2012
In the 2014 parliamentary election, Farion again tried to win a constituency seat in Lviv, but failed this time having finished third in her constituency with approximately 16% of the vote.[19]
In July 2015, the Investigative Committee of Russia filed a criminal case against Farion on the charges of "incitement to murder" and "extremist statements".[20]
In April 2018, she called Russian-speaking Ukrainians "mentally retarded" and claimed that they had caused the Russo-Ukrainian War.[21] In October of the same year, she called ethnic Hungarians in Zakarpattia Oblast "morons" and suggested that they "go back to Hungary", while comparing them to dogs.[22] That year she also called for a campaign to "punch every Russian-speaking person in the jaw".[5]