søndag, marts 19, 2006


Er vi opmærksomme på de egentlige problemer omkring terrorisme? Ved vi nok om, hvordan den gror?

Tag denne sag for et par år tilbage i Florida:

February 21, 2003

In a sweeping 50-count indictment, federal authorities in Florida on Thursday charged eight men — including a college professor and three other U.S. residents — with supporting and financing a violent Palestinian terrorist group blamed for the deaths of more than 100 people in Israel and the occupied territories.

Det interessante kommer imidlertid i slutningen af artiklen:

The university says that hurt the school’s fund-raising efforts and resulted in threats against the school.


Last month, the faculty union at the University of South Florida filed a grievance on Al-Arian’s behalf, saying that banning him from campus violated the union’s contract, Al-Arian’s right to academic freedom and its own policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of ethnicity and religious affiliation.

His brother-in-law, who also had taught at the university, spent more than 3 1/2 years in jail on secret evidence linking him to terrorists. He was released in 2000 but arrested again in November 2001 and deported last August.

Tag så denne artikel nogle dage senere:

Posted: February 26, 20032:00 p.m. Eastern

The University of South Florida has fired a tenured professor jailed last week for allegedly running an international terrorist organization.

"We have determined that the University of South Florida must sever all ties to Sami al-Arian once and for all," USF President Judy Genshaft announced at a press conference. "Today, the provost has issued a letter to terminate Dr. al-Arian's employment immediately."
In conjunction with his brother-in-law, Mazen al-Najjar, al-Arian also founded the World and Islam Studies Enterprises, or WISE, a now-defunct Islamic think tank at USF.


The university maintains the accusations against al-Arian and the media attention hurt the school's fund-raising efforts and threats raised concerns over student safety.

"Dr. al-Arian has repeatedly abused his position at the university. He has misused the university's name, reputation, resources and personnel," Genshaft told reporters this morning. "No longer will he be able to hide behind the shield of academic freedom."


Federal agents also arrested another USF professor, 42-year-old Sameeh Hammoudeh


USF is not actively taking steps to terminate Hammoudeh. A spokesperson told WorldNetDaily that because he is an adjunct professor who gets paid on an hourly basis, his incarceration sufficiently ends his association with the university.
When asked what would happen if Hammoudeh were to be released on bail, the spokesperson could not say whether he would be allowed to teach again.

I 20 år, har islamistiske ideologer kunnet bruge SFU som sikker base, for deres aktiviteter. Hvordan i al verden kan det overhovedet forekomme? Måske, fordi politisk korrekte, selvhadende, apologetiske grødhoveder sidder solidt i de ledende stillinger på universiteterne?


1) Man begræder, at man bliver truet, og at det er svært at fund raise.

2) Man forsvarer ”Terror-professoren” på baggrund af akademisk frihed og ikke-diskrimination af etniske og religiøse tilknytninger.

3) Man har været fuldstændig blind i sagen om svigerbroderen, som faktisk bliver dømt og udvist. Han har startet en nedlagt tænketank sammen med ”Terrorprofessoren”, er efterfølgende både dømt og udvist for terrortilknytning, de er i familie… På tide at genoverveje ansættelsen – bestemt nej! Tværtimod må man naturligvis forsvare mandens akademiske rettigheder, og hans principielle urørlighed med ”argumenterne” etnicitet og religion…

4) Man kan ikke kategorisk afvise, at man vil genansætte en person med tilknytning til mistænkte og dømte terrorister.

5) Når man bliver taget med fingrende i kagedåsen, hævder man, at man er blevet misbrugt: "No longer will he be able to hide behind the shield of academic freedom." – Man kan måske med rette konstatere, at små 20 år også bør være nok…

Denne mand har af uransagelige grunde behov for at hævne muslimers død rundt om i verden, ved at slå sine medstuderende og lærere ihjel:

A recent University of North Carolina graduate was charged with nine counts of attempted murder yesterday, a day after authorities say he drove through a popular campus gathering spot in an attempt to avenge Muslim deaths.

Er det bare en trang man pludselig får? Eller har det dybere årsager?

Our research shows that the college is looking to create - through a huge endowment by the IIIT [International Institute of Islamic] a Saudi group linked to al-Qaeda - an "Islamic Studies" chair which will in actuality serve to propagate Islamist intolerance throughout the Southeast.

Og mon ikke de har ret i det – sagde de Saudi? -:

The phenomenon of Saudi hate ideology is worldwide, but its occurrence in the United States has received scant attention. This report begins to probe in detail the content of the Wahhabi ideology that the Saudi government has worked to propagate through books and other publications within our borders.

Moskeer - javel, ja. Hvad med læreanstalterne?

In the same survey, some 47 percent of 62-year-olds surveyed were inclined to support terrorism. That percentage was only 10 points higher for 18-year-olds.
Other factors, such as perception of a threat to Islam and opinions about the role of religion in government, have a significantly greater impact on support for terrorism than age or gender. The bottom line? Ideology and beliefs matter more than social or economic status, age or gender. Focusing outreach and counterterrorism efforts on young, unmarried Muslim males will only overlook enormous sections of Muslim populations who support terrorists.

Ergo: hvis de gamle hadske lærde, kan indoktrinere de unge mennesker på vore universiteter med Saudi sponsoreret propaganda, mens politisk korrekte grødhoveder anskuer det som et nuttet træk ved deres kultur - eller er frygtsomme nok til at lade som ingenting - så kan det blive rigtig sjov i fremtiden:

International terror groups could obtain lethal germ warfare agents by infiltrating British universities, the NHS and commercial science laboratories, MPs have warned.

Og mon ikke islamisterne godt kan se det for sig?

Officials in the Arab world exaggerate the significance of madrasas possibly to deflect attention from the real problem: public school curriculums that inspire young men to jihad and focus on Muslim victimhood. Studies of public school curricula in Saudi Arabia, for example, confirm that incitement of hatred against the West, Jews, and non-Muslims is hardly limited to madrasas.

Jo jo… Saudierne ved skam godt hvad de gør - gør vi?


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